All September 2024 Blog Posts!

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I'm getting used to proper dental care (weird topic but shh), and it hurts my gums so much. It's been closed to 10 years, since my emergency visit on Aug 9th, since I've been to a dentist. And probably around 6 years since I've taken care of my teeth properly for this long. Like I said: it hurts. Hurts less than before, but it's still like really bad and it bleeds alot more than I'd like.
On the studying front: I'm making excellent progress with my text books, and can probably have all the big sections (everything but the practice questions chapters) done by the end of next week at the earliest or the week after that at the latest. This still gives me a week before the SAT that I can use to go over the practice questions. The books have about 300 questions per subject, so I can do about half of them as reveiw for the SATs and the other half for the ACTs. I'm scoring an average of 85% on my practice quizzes ( about a 1390 on the SATs and a 31 average for the ACTs), which I still want to get higher. My goal minimum is 1450 on the SATs and 33 on the ACT. If I can score higher than that I'm set!

I feel like I'm starting to develop a pickle problem, I ate like half a jar today (I'm going to bed at like three AM, so I mean the 11th)... I will be repeating this tomorrow.

I've had a great past couple of days with my family and getting more of my dentist stuff done with. Progress studying has been great! I've been moving farther than I thought. Saw the new BeetleJuice movie, thought it was great! It had oddly poor writing but was super well directed. I do think there were too many antagonists and too little pay off for them wich sucks but it was a great movie anyways, so greatly prefer the o.g.
I want them to make one more BeetleJuice movie, so that it goes: BeetleJuice, BeetleJuice BeetleJuice, then BeetleJuice BeetleJuice BeetleJuice. Which would be hilarious.

Turns out, it's a permanent filling so they can finish the rest of my dental work AND THEN I'll get a new permanent tooth. Which is much nicer than I thought all of this was going to be.
Studying is fully back on track, recent quiz scores in math and science show about a 20% increase!!! I'm now in the 80%'s and 90%'s and it's so good! love it! Im hoping I can maintain these scores on the actual test because then all things are going to go awesome! Sidenote: I just double checked what the average score for all ACT Subjects for my state was (because I could only remember the national one) and its about 50%... I'm much less worried about my testing now.
Me and my sister recently got this new game called Moonstone Island and we started playing I think on the 3rd? Idk. It's really cool! I have way to manny unfinished games I'm "playing"... Have a good Night everyone!