All June 2024 Blog Posts!

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ACT scores: Lowest 22, Highest 33 ; SAT score: 1140
ACT average: 19.5 ; SAT average: 1028
I am no longer worries about what scores I might get on the actual tests, I do still want to try really hard to get my scores as high as possible just for myself ya'know? My study plans are pretty thorough, I'm making sure to pay extra attention to my weak areas ( wich used to be english and reading but now seem to be math and science, no good) and frequent review. I have also decided to take a practice test ( either ACT or SAT or both) every week to track my progress. I plan to, as I get further along in my plans, use the books more (since I don't actually own them yet, My dad said he is helping me with them, HI DAD!).
Also I'm putting more into my language studies! I've been slowly learning French for several years now through duolingo. However, mostly due to nerves, it's been very slow going. So my new study "plan" is to complete as much in a section on duo as a can and to also use these French text books I found to further practice. I've also started learning Korean, with the same study method but I've had a hard time finding any good text books I can use for it. I want to gather up some money and check a bookstore I know for some text books in both, just to help me move forward a bit easier, I really want to get good! I started to learn French a long time ago because my sister was taking classes for it and I found it so cool, I eventually just started to like it and I've kept it up ever since, It helps that there are several Tv shows I like that were originally in French and I want to see the originals to see how much changed. I started Korean because I read way too many webnovels from Korea to keep waiting for English translations, it takes way too damn long >:[ Side note: online text books are great but I realy like the fealing of a book in my hands more. Also I would be able to write in the answers in the practice sections easier.
ALso I think I've finally decided what updates I want to do to the site! Gimmie a moment (or day or two lol 😅 )!

I've been studying for the past couple of days and, including the day I took to organize materials and make a plan, that number is still very low, like maybe 3 days. I just took the practice tests for the ACT, I also looked up what the national average it. Not only, in all subjects, did I out perform the national average, I scored in the top 25% around the country! My lowest score was a 23, national average is ~19!
I do still plan on studying more, I wanna see how close I can get it to the maximum score, I've also still got the SAT practice test to take tomorrow morning. I'm going to be taking these tests once a week to check up on where my scores are at (they're mostly time consuming, I still think some parts are hard but for the most part time is the big problem, and practice should help with that) and I will be revising my study plan every time I do. The goal is to get these scores as high as I can get them in 10 to 12 weeks, then work on the Acedemic Merit tests (can't remember the name rn) as well and maybe even start class by the start of next year or the end of this one if I'm lucky!
Weird to think that this site is now 2 weeks old. That feels so neat!

I almost gave my sister an aneurism because I wouldn't let her look at a German map (of Germany) while doing a crossword puzzle 😅

I finally got around to uploading more of my art to the art page! Yay! I didn't get much else done today, was originally planning on updating the site more before studying today but I completely forgot my neices were going to visit today so it all flew to the back of my mind! Might put in some work here tomorrow, might just go straight into studying, I have a lot to prepare for given, guess what! I'm trying to go to college 😃! The classes I was talking about before are part of the degree I plan on getting!
I'm starting pretty late on the college journey thing, but I'm still excited and still plan on working hard! I've got a lot to study for, some will help me out here but a good chunk is strictly for the tests I have to take before I can enroll (I've never taken the SAT's or ACT's, but I hope to change that before the end of the year)... My brain about to hurt ;^; it will be worth it though I hope!

I've been going through a very consistent pattern for my days, for the past like 3 I think. I've been cleaning the house, studying,exercising, eating (mostly nachos around noon), and I've been really content with it.
Also! Brilliant news! I'm going to be starting more professional classes soon! I'll be earning my certifications in both hopefully! I'm not sure whether I want to pursue front-end or back-end development, or if I also want to take extra engineering courses, but we'll see what I can afford and what I wanna do when the time comes.

Designed my own gifs and graphics to put up on the site! I haven't added them yet but I'm going to after I make a few more. if you read the tags for my site on neocities you probably already know what I designed but if not: They're Wizards! I have a semi weird special interests in magic and wizards, to the point that nearly every book I read, and enjoy, is about or includes a heavy amount of magic and wizardry. I'm currently playing Nino kuni with my sister and (trying) to read through The Black Couldron series, both very heavy with the magic and it's great.
Worryingly, the only thing I remember eating today was a near excessive quantity of leftover nachos from last night's dinner. I do plan on repeating that tomorrow but hopefully I eat something else as well ^-^

Moved some things aroung on the blog page with the hope that it makes it look a little nicer. I want it to both look and feel nice for me to update the page. I'm also working on a way for me to more easily update this blog from my phone so I don't jack up the code on accedent while trying to make it look nice. We'll see what happens!
Update: I think this method is going to be the one I stick with for a while! The method I wanted to use wasn't working and I feel like I can make this look nice as it stands. I might make an unconnected page where I try to get my original plan to work again, but that might have to wait for later. IDK.
Second update: My blog so far has been mostly about the website and I find that kinda funny, but here's a small update about my day instead! My sister made a coliseum in Minecraft where she's been pitting them (the mobbs) against eatchother, mostly against the Warden. It's been a lot of fun to watch honestly. >

Figured out how to add music to my page! Love the look of the top of page media player, blue is easily my favorite color (as you can tell). Took me forever to figure out how to add it, but it feels worth it ya'know!
Side note (about half an hour later) I also figured out how to add my own chat box! Im going to keep working on updating the blog section so that it looks nicer but for today I'm pretty proud of myself. Even if I do make a concerning amount of spelling errors and have to go back over them like a hundred times ^-^