All June 2024 Blog Posts!

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7/31/2024 Last Update for this Month!
I bought The Book of Bill!!!! I got two copies (one for me and one for my sister. I couldn't resist)! I'm so excited! bad choices are fun sometimes, don't do them all the time but do them sometimes to feel joy!
I cut my studying short today due to a headache, but I think I mannage to get all the important stuff done! I finished the first exam in the SAT book (I was doing all six parts instead of just four (part 1, part 2(easy OR hard) reading; part 1, part 2(easy OR hard) math)to see if there was something easy I missed, so I spaced it out) and, after I graded it, I reveiwed each portion and assesed what stuff I need to study. Not sure If I wrote about it here or not already, but I actully found a spot were the text book messed up! I consider this evidance that I'll do at the very least ok on the real test. I also did all my daylies, and, since I dont think I can stomache more reading today I've found some ACT lectures I can listen to to make up for what I'm not reading! I'm only going to listen for like 20min to 30min, to prevent my headache from getting worse, but I still think it will be useful.
I have also decided to watch the final episode of chapter 3 (second half of season 2) of Yuki Yuna tonight! Looking forward to it!
Also, I need to stop eating too many snacks. My stomache hurts. Combined with the head ache, it just sucks...

So I was able to watch an episode of Yuki Yuna last night! And finally! Everyone knows about the curse! Even if Yuna doesn't know that they know I'm glad that it's finally out there! I don't remember if I've said this before, but I never got to watch beyond the first season because the rest of the how didn't exist yet when I first watched it. So all of this is new and I can't wait to see what happens next! now if only I had an attention span...
Also! I finished all the free Css on Codedex, Starting on Java tomorrow! Or maybe later tonight, IDK. I'm still keeping up with the plan to clear all of their free content before I start on the paid stuff, so I've been putting away small amounts of money here and there (when I have some) so if I do decide to do the paid lessons I can afford it and if I don't then I've still saved up to arounf $300 or more and I have some money for what ever. Probably testing or text books but if there's any left after that I'm getting me some manga or a game ^-^

Second day of the revised schedule...Felt so weird having so little to do today...Did a lot of stuff our side of my usual but all of it was prety small stuff, like helping my mom out with her new fan or watching so cartoons because I felt to lazy to put in the disc for Yuki Yuna, though I still have a little time before I sleep so I might watch an episode before I sleep, either that or I'm going to read. Outside of that, I didn't do too much today ^-^ My daylies went by quick, I ate a few snacks and we ordered food for dinner again...We need to do that less, I'm thinking I'm going to cook tomorrow before we can talk ourselves into mcdonalds or something, lol.
I listen to a lot of music today wich was nice. I think I'm going to get ready for bed now, I feel kinda tired.

Unfortunatly, my sister and mom were right. I was feeling so stressed (and giving myself my head-aches) because I have no clue what a "normal" amount of work for a person to do during a week is. I also consider "I stood up for a moment" a break and it's not. SO! I have reworked my schedule! It's exactly the same but now, for any task that takes longer than 40min, I have manditory 20min breaks! Except for after my text book work (because it is the most time consuming) where instead I take an hour and a half break. I'm also not allowed to do any "big" studying on week ends. I can do my daily stuff like duolingo or sololearn, but Im not allowed to do any full lessons on Khan or use my text books. I need to learn how to take care of myself...
Also! I went swmming with my mom today! We were only out there for an hour but it was so nice! I need to go swimming more often, I used to be able to swimm for like 3 hours and hardly want to leave the water by the end of it but now only 1 hour and I'm exhausted! I did get a new swim suit though (it looks like a black and raindow scaled surf suit) and it's super comfortable!
Had pizza for dinner tonight! Side note: I did order food lastnight, I wanted something healthy ish and I got it! I had steak, asparigus, mushrooms, black-bread (with butter), and a few fries (didn't eat much of these). I felt very fancy!

From the tablet! Hello everyone (mostly me, reading this later lol), I have had some headaches recently that have been becoming a problem (which sucks) and sleeping has been weird, but I have plans for how to fix the sleep thing and my mom reminded me that we have headache medicine so that should help there so long as I remember it's there.
Codedex gave me some problems acouple of days ago (like 2 I think) so I had to put progress on hold there until yesterday. Sololearn has been great and has been very informative, I feel like its been great for getting most of the setails about elements and properties with out it being confusing. W3schools has also been a great help, love it!
I did get in my ACT text books today, so those are joining the study rotation tomorrow, making my schedule:

  • Morning Reading
  • Self inprovement study
  • Coding study (Sololearn)
  • Languages(French, Korean)
  • Reading Coding Text books
  • SAT text book (Practice test questions, reveiwing explinations; I don't test everyday!)
  • NEW! ACT Text book reading and practice questions
  • Khan academy (For the lessons, practice questions, and guidded SAT prep)
  • Codedex, looking up anything necissary (or desired) on W3schools
  • Writing (for fun but also for english/research practice)
  • Optional: Night-time Reading

It's a little packed but I don't do every part everyday, and even when I did (pre act text books 'cuz those are huge!) It only took about 3 or 4 hours to complete, unless I'm doing a full practice test because those usually take an hour or two on their own! But thats necessary for it to feel as much like the actual tests as possible so I'm prepared. Right now though, I'm focusing on actually understanding the material (I think I'm a bit behind on geometry) and on my digital practice test (I only have 2 free ones left available) I'm focusing on getting the correct answers fast enough.
One thing I do feel like I should dedicate more time to is figuring out stress manegment. I've learned that I frequently just bottle my stress up until it exploddes out! I need to say what I'm feeling outloud more inorder to get that feeling to go away, and generally this seems to be enough (in the moment) but I know that for long term stress management I need to develope healthy coping strategies but I have no Idea what those look like for me. I googled some ideas and many of the options I've seen just strike me as also stressful. When I do those things it does not help at all, it makes it worse. So IDK. I'll figure something out eventually.
I finally got one of the images I plan to use for my Yuki Yuna standees done! I wanna draw the whole cast before I post them here, so It'll be up later when I've finished all the others. I've started on Togo, and picking a pose for her was so easy! There are so manny cool gun slinging poses you can do! It took no effort what so ever! It should, hopefully, be the quickest one to draw. It should leave us with 4 more girls to draw (since I'm only making standees of the s1 team + Nogi Sonoko.)
I'm debating on wether I should cook or order food for dinner tonight🤔

I learn everyday lately, it feels like my head is about to burst! But I'm having fun so I've got to keep going!
I ate so much yesterday that today when I ate breakfast, which was Ramen for some reason, I felt all the fullness from yesterday come back to bite me;^; And to make matters worse we're going out to dinner tonight for my brothers birthday! I will never no peace. JK it's going to be awesome!
Studying: same as yesterday!
Reading: Multiple things, also, have not gotten that far!
Watching: Still Yuki Yuna, progress is slow when I keep asigning myself new little tasks.
Writing: Shity story from a while ago that I have decided to pick up again. It will still be shitty but now it will be finished.
Drawing: Took a break from making little things for the site to make my own Yuki Yuna art to later get turned into acrylic standees (Or I'm going to learn how to make my own so I can make as many as I want for litteraly anything)! It's actually realy hard because I can't decide if I want them to be cute, show acurate, or cool looking so I keep redrawing them. I just want them to look nice since I want to keep them for a long while, maybe I'll just try drawing something for the show that makes me happy then turn those into stands. IDK.
Coding: Learning Python, more HTML, CSS, and trying to figure out Java script. Slowly, but surely, I will get were I want to be!
Update: I'm going to learn how to make my own arcylic standees, I looked it up it doesn't look too hard, definatly not easy peasy, but not too hard. I think if I gave myself some practice I could make some prety ok standees! Not too mention being able to make my own merch for whatever fandom I want seems fun!

So I finaly finished the free parts to the HTML Codedex course, 10/10. It get's slightly harder twords the end, wich is actually very noice, I finally understand how to nest div elements, wich is also noice. I'm moving on to the free CSS and I am looking forward to what it has to teach me! Hopefully by the end of it I'll have an idea on how to start getting the site set up in my own layout! Wich will be awesome! Sadgirl layouts are a great start, but I can't wait to have something that I made all on my own, ya'know? I feel like I could feel way more proud of my site that way.
Studying has been progressing nicely, I'm significanly less worried about the tests, though I've got to schedule my SAT soon so I can take it in September, and I also need to move forward on my ACT plans so I can take that in October. After that I need to see if I'm still allowed to take the academic merit tests, because if I can then I need to study for those too and, hopefuly, take those tests by the end of December so I can get merit schollarships. If not then I'm moving straight into talking to colleges to see if I need to take any additional classes before I can move into the programs I want! I'll also need to start applying for scholarships, grants, fafsa, and/or workstudy programs. So I can actually afford to go to school. Writing it out makes it sound like alot but it's actualy very easy to manage, I just gotta take it one step at a time!
I feel like I've been doing so much these days, but I also feel like I'm hardly doing anything at all. Is that weird?
Side Note: The text books I have been using for coding are:
Coding for Beginners 2nd edition, Mike McGrath: It's very well writen for beginners in Python, it guides you though making beginner programs (and even a game!) and slowly takes on more complex language as it teatches you what they mean. I'm only about half way through and It's already been a misive help!
Everything You Need To Ace Computer Science and Coding In One Big Fat Notebook, workman: A middle school grede text book ment to assist with a computer science and coding class, its fully illistrated, includes workbook questions, and teaches more than just coding. I got this because the last time I took a computer litteracy class, or a computer class in general, was when I was in middleschool. And I don't remember much of it. I felt that if I wanted to get back into computers and understand everything I want to do with them I needed to start with where I left off and then build up from there. So far the book has been very helpful and I'm glad that I started with a book so far "below" my grade level, Theres actually quite a bit of stuff in it that I missed and maybe would have continued to miss without it.
I do plan on getting more "grown up" coding and computer science books later, but I wanted to start basic and easy so I didn't miss anything. I recomend that for everyone; If you don't think you can start at an "adult" level start with highschool, if not that then middle school. There is no shame in starting easy so you can understand the hard stuff better, and I guarantee you'll be much smarter than the guys who jumped to the hard stuff, googled the words, and forgot that there is a lot of stuff not in the hard texts because it's "Just too easy, who wouldn't know that by now," and just straight up miss it.

Update from my phone! Studying is progressing well and the SAT book is way nice! I like that it explains why the correct answers are correct (wich also helps to explain why the incorrect ones are incorrect). Took the assessment quizzes finally (I was putting it off, I was just reading around) and I did pretty well on the english, only 1 wrong out of 12 (got the trick answer it was correct but not correct enough(that's how it gets ya)) and on the math I got 10/12, I need to work on remembering distribution and how decrease (percentage) works. Or rather I need to remember to write the expression for what remains as aposed to what is taken away ( multiple of 0.95 not 0.05). The questions I got wrong aren't difficult, I just fall for the easy(wrong) paths too quickly and I need to read things more thoroughly and double check that I'm not missing anything.
Had a great dinner tonight! Only got in one episode of Yuki Yuna, didn't feel like watching more than that, I guess.

I finaly connected my neocities acount to my tablet! I have a little key board for it and it makes this so much easier! It feels a lot more like I'm typing on my computer, which make editing the pages fell a little more natural.
In other news! I'm starting to feel like I have the energy to make more art for the site again,that's including the new art/graphics stuff for the site functions/layoutas well! I have no idea when I will, but I will! I"ve got some cool ideas for how I wnt to rearange the site when I get better with css, I have a whole thing planned out in my head involving a lot of rounded shapes and some better colors (I will be keeping the blue, I just want the blue's I use to match better). I also have plans to reoganize a little bit (eventually) just so that before I rewrite the css it all transfers over smoother, yaknow? I really want this site to be something that I use, and edit, for a long time and if I want to do that I have to keep working twords making it something that I like!
Also: I finishes the second chapter of Yuki Yuna yesterday, I'm thinking tonight while I eat dinner I'm going to start the third chapter just because it's the same number of episodes as the second and I feel like I can get through it prety quickly. We'll see.
On a studying note, I finisshed the first html section on Codedex and got through about half of the second section (got tired lol) so I'm going to finish that off tomorrow and I've decided the 2 sections I'm going to be doing are Python and Css, just to see what they've got and to try and move up updating over here. It's going to be so much work I can already feel it in my bones. I've also gotten started on the meat and potatos of the SAT book, so heres hoping I see some results from that here in a week or two. Studying for the SAT has been going very smoothly, I've cleared a lot of the english units (I organiza Khan as lessons>units>sections) and have cleared through the second section already. I still have about 7 more units to do in math to be at the same point, but the math lessons are a lot longer so I expected this would happen. I'm going to try and cear at least 2 of those tomorrow.

I think I've been studying too much lately, my head hurts so bad and I feel exhausted ;^;
I have, just now decided I'm going to have a Self care day today! I'm gonna do the bare minimum of studying, like 1 hour total, and then I'm watching Anime! I haven't been able to start of the second season of Yuki Yuna yet so that's what Imma watch.
Also! Ive finished the first little chapter section thing on Codédex, I'm going to clear the second one tomorrow so I can start on their various Python stuff, might also start on their CSS and JavaScript stuff to help with this site. Idk if I wanna do all three at once, or just pick 1 or 2, ya'know.

So I Started messing around with Codédex last night, it's fun so far but it's not very mobile compatible (I can interact with the web page easily but trying to code for the lessons is pretty impossible). I decided to start with the HTML section, just to see if the free portions of the site have anything that I've missed so far. I'm going to be trying to clear all of the free content that they offer before deciding if I wanna pay for the rest of it. It's supper cool looking though, and once I'm on my computer later I'm going to post a screenshot here of the site, I love it's whole esthetic!
It's later! It doesn't show the mouse here, but on the site it looks like a pixel gloved hand and I love it so much! I just think it's cute, ya'know?
Also! I got my textbooks today! they weren't supposed to be here until friday, but sooner is better than later. I read through the first chapters of both my coding text books (I don't have much of an opinion formed on them yet, so I'll save their names for later) and I'm starting on my SAT book tomorrow, I'm honestly very excited about them. Look at me being excited about text books: I'm a lv 12 nerd, and there are only 5 lv's to nerd-dom. I even like studying! Well, I do now at least. Still counts!
Note: The SAT book is the standard Princeton SAT prep book.
Update on Codédex: It has already tought me something that Mimo never thought to bring up! I can just do this whenever! Just put a Line through things!Or underline them! I knew you could do this, I just wasn't tought how! I have a self appointed right to know these things!

Update on the learning to code thing: at first I was using Mimo, for nearly the past 2 months actually, and I decided to get a second app yesterday, Sololearn, and have been working with W3schools as well (I have also been considering Codédex, just because it looks fun, and the Odin project when I get more confidence because it looks intense) So I can "study from different angles" so to speak, in my head if I study one thing multiple ways it stays for longer. And anyways, I found out that Mimo wasn't teaching a shit tone of stuff!!! With html alone there where so manny gaps between what it was teaching me and the questions it would ask me (for example it didn't tech me what a div was (I googled it) but it asked me a question about styling a div in the css section, and it didn’t show me haw to make a table or lists either, it did teach me lists but not until I was already also learning Java (if I remember correctly)).
I still think Mimo is good, I did some further digging on places like Reddit and several of those sites where they rate different educational apps, and Mimo still does pretty good!And it was still a great starting point for me as well. Unfortunately, I like knowing all the stuff about what I'm learning, and implied learning (where it teaches you a thing by asking you questions about the thing) isn't for me. I need information first, then repetition to really let it sink in (and again, I need to see things in multiple ways). It's why with Duolingo, I've been moving at a snails pace, learning pretty much anything. Duo does better with it's format than Mimo (in my opinion) because with it's implied learning your allowed to tap/click on what you don't know and read what it is (or if it's a word that has multiple meanings you can read through those and get good idea). Duo also has these little section notes things that you can read through before you start a single lesson in the section, giving you the info before it asks you questions on the things. I don't think I can continue with Mimo personally, but I still think I'll recommend it for a start at the very least! I also think Imma start recommending learning python early on as well, just because what little I know of it was so simple and was so easy to learn, I think it makes a good jumping point and it's good for a lot of stuff!!!
On another note (related), ever since learning that I need the info before I'm questioned on it (I get too frustrated if I don't and it makes it hard for me too keep learning because I feel discouraged)(this was apparently really hard for me to figure out), I've figured out how to make learning a bit easier for me and I've been moving so much faster in my various studies (I say pretentiously). I've also managed to order some textbooks for myself, both for coding and for my SATs! I'm very excited and I'm hoping I can keep this up, learning anything is hard and can get exhausting but I'm hoping I can get better at all of this, I like this and wanna keep going!
In non study related news, I've been watching a lot if anime again recently. I started with Madoka Magica, and now I'm watching Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero (Yuki Yuna is a Hero, it seems it's spelled both ways?) and anyways it's been a lot of fun! I know a lot of people boil both Madoka Magica and Yuki Yuna down to their sadder and darker parts, but I find both very beautiful in their themes of rejecting sacrifice only to fall into anyways for your friends and for the people you love, and how deep and meaningful love can be in friendships and relationships (as far as I know, because I haven't gotten to watch all the side stuff for Madoka, Homura and Madoka are only implied cannon where as, because of the games, Yuna and Togo are explicitly cannon (they share a kiss and character art, but I'm not sure how much of the games I want to consider as cannon bc of it's problematic fanservice :/ ))
It's been a long couple of days but fun none the less (not counting the fact I was cursed a few days ago; everything I planned to do I did, but everything I did had an unexpected consequence or caused an injury >:[ ). Side note: I also posted a very similar post to this on my Tumblr, lol!

I got kinda sick at the start of last week and started slacking off. I'm feeling a lot better so I restarted my study routine on Monday and managed to complete about three units so far (one english, two math)! Later day I'm going to be trying to get through at least one unit for science and one for english. Also I started playing this game called EarthLock yesterday and I'm liking it a lot! I haven't gotten too far yet, and I didn't look into the game any before I started playing, so I have no idea what the plot is. Looking forward to figuring it out!
My sister's slight obsession with minecraft has spread to the whole family and now they're all playing together, everyone but me and my mom that is. Mom doesn't care at the moment, and I can't play because it gives me headaches ;^; They all also started playing this game called "The first decendants" that I can't play with them either because I don't have my own console for it, and my computer would die before it could try! I'm on my own out here!

First blog post of the new month! Exciting! Ordered DQ with my sister today, They forgot everything but the drinks! I'm glad to have the drink but I feel like I'm missing out on my chicken tenders ;^;
Outside of that! I updated the music for the month! Complete Music Playlist is Now availible on my Music Shrine!!! Yay! As a personal rule, I'm not going to have more than 20 songs on the main pages at any time, Just so that I don't use too much space repeating the java on each page. I tried to store all my java sepratly and just embed(?) it in my html, but I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted. I will be doing my utmost to fix that!