All August 2024 Blog Posts!

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NOTICE: Music turned off temporarily because I am too lazy to fix it right now :/

Haven't been doing g much lately. Studying is going nicely, fixed my sleep schedule mostly, hoping to fix it completely here soon. Restarting a daily routine feels weird, I have to add everything back one by one so I don't get too tired but I feel tired anyways...
Getting my permanent tooth/filling on Friday, about 12 to 24 hours afterwards I can finally return to normal eating!!!

Just found out the release date for Fantasy Life (for the switch) just changed again ;^;

Not much has happened lately. I deep Cleaned the house today (haven't cleaned much at all since my tooth problem started and it was overdue), I also Cleaned the patio (first time I've cleaned it at all since we started living here lol). Need to clean that more often...
The pain from the root canal has almost completely left me, which is great! And hopefully soon I get my permanent tooth or filling so I can eat normally again. It's been really weird eating with only one side of my mouth, not to mention I have to keep reminding myself I'm not allowed to bite things ;^; My mom suggested making tacos for dinner soon and I can't even eat them (need to bite, can't cut up Tacos to make them easier on teeth). I'm devastated.
Hoping that since I'm feeling better I can pick up my studying again, looking forward to it honesty. Thinking of starting either tonight or when I wake up tomorrow IDK. But I do know it's gonna be soon since it's feeling like all my old energy is coming back to me!
Side note! I need to finish watching Yuuki Yuuna, I started Bofuri (again, I've watch it many times) to have something that didn't need much focus, for me, to watch but now I wanna finish Yuuki Yuuna so I have all the inspiration needed to finish my acrylic standee designs! Wanna get those done soon ^-^ ALSO! I finally bought my own copies of A Series of Unfortunate Events! It's been one of my favorite series since I was a kid but I haven't read them in so long. I'm planning on finishing the Black Cauldron series, reading the Book of Bill with my sister and going through the site, then starting in on A Series of Unfortunate Events! We move Forward!

Went to the water park with my family today and it was a lot of fun. Eating is still difficult, I'm still trying to get used to the fact I can't feel that Tooth anymore. Today was great until I took a nap, now everything feels wrong and I don't know how to fix it. Side note (completely related) I don't like trying to learn a thing and it doesn't tell you what's what. Just say doing this results in this, I know there's this whole thing of that not realy being learning but luck that. I have always learned best when People have just said what they ment, this includes with learning things. Damn.

About to leave for the dentist... Is it weird that I'm OK going to the dentist alone but if you ever suggest for me to go to an eye doctor alone I will scream?
Any way! Hopefully my tooth will be taken care of today and I will be home free! I have other stuff I need to do, dentist wise, but the big stuff will be behind me and so will the pain! I'm excited! A little nervous too, but mostly excited.
Update! Root canal complete! I'm taking a nap.
I wound up not napping and no one is more upset about this than me.

Tomorrow... This Tooth will pay for it's transgressions tomorrow...

Update on CSS is put on hold! the last 14 days have been wild so Imma summerize:

  • 8/1 Through 8/4 Spent time with my sister as she got over a cold, we also took some time after she recovered to go places and eat food! it was all a lot of fun!
  • 8/5 Went to the mall with my sister and noticed my teeth hurt, I couldn't figure out why but I thought that it was this cavity I found on the back of my tooth and that it would fade and I could go to the dentist later when I could afford it.
  • 8/6 through 8/8 Start feeling awful, like awful awful, and my teeth feel worse and worse.
  • 8/9 Emergency Dentist appointment... Turns out my porcelain tooth, a fake tooth I got pre middle school, might need a root canal... I am prescribed antibiotics and referred to a specialist to double check and perform the procedure!
  • 8/10 through 8/12 Pain gradually starts going away, taking pain meds until then until:
  • 8/13 Pain is back, not in full but it's slightly different and making it harder and harder to eat, talk, drink, or sleep. It sucks.
    • Note: Studying has been severely interrupted during this time and I feel almost like I'm sick and tired for most of this.
  • 8/14 No change. Trying to eat only soft foods for now to listen the pain. Still taking pain Medicine intermittently.

On the bright side I've been watching a bunch of tv, not much anime except what I've been watching with my sister (I just haven't felt up to it, I guess) but it's been a nice distraction. I also started playing the Solo Leveling game on my phone, since the Madoka Magica one isn't out yet, and it's actually been really fun. I was upset at first because I thought they had cut out some, pretty important, story bites but it turns out it turned them into side stories so they can be given more details. Also! Even though its inspired mostly off the Manwha it takes a lot of neet facts in things from the light novels to give a more in depth illusion of the word.
I'm having fun and my appointment for my root canal is soon so hopefully after all the bad stuff has been delt with I can finally get back to work on studying and updating the site!